Heather Nelson

Week 12 Winter: April 11, 2024

We are on the home stretch and only have two weeks left of ASA this year!! So hang in there and please do the following homework this week:

Happiness Interview and Paper – Email to turn in

Defining Happiness Assignment: Do these steps in order!

STEP 1: Watch this TED talk by Robert Waldinger, psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School. He discusses some of the results of the Grant study, which has followed groups of men over a 75 year, longitudinal study, and explains some of the factors leading to a happy life.

You can view the transcript for “What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger” here (opens in new window).

STEP 2: After viewing this video about lessons from the longest study on happiness, ask yourself and write down your answers the following questions.

  1. How do I define happiness for myself?
  2. Do I consider myself a happy person right now?
  3. What do I need in my life in order to be happy?
  4. Who are the people in my life who affect my happiness?
  5. Do you think you will feel the same when you turn 65? Why or why not?

STEP 3: Talk to a grandparent or another relative or person you know who is at least 60 years old and ask them the following questions.

  1. How do you define happiness for yourself?
  2. Do you consider yourself a happy person right now?
  3. What do you need in your life in life in order to be happy?
  4. Who are the people in your life who affect your happiness?
  5. Did you feel the same way when you were my age?
  6. What is the biggest difference between what you thought would make you happy when you were younger and what did make you happy as you got older?

STEP 4: Write a 2-3 page paper that synthesizes and reflects upon the responses to these questions. As you write the paper, compare and contrast your own answers to the questions and those provided by the older person you interviewed. Were there similarities in your answers? What were some of the differences? Do you think happiness means something vastly different for younger vs. older people? Explain.

The paper should be 12 point font with 1 inch margins.

You will turn in the paper from step 4 and also the answers to questions from steps 2 and 3.

***PLEASE NOTE*** Because I will be out of town next week, please email this assignment to me. You will NOT need to print it off and turn it in. westbergheather@yahoo.com

Field Trip Next Week

Next week Sister Toney will be taking you on a field trip to Provo Assisted Living. Meet in our classroom and please be on time so you can leave on time 🙂

Heather Nelson

Week 11: March 28, 2024

Next week is Spring Break! Yay! In preparation for class in two weeks, please do the following homework:

Read Tuesdays with Morrie

Read the bestselling book Tuesdays with Morrie and answer the discussion questions given to you in class.

Watch Videos

Watch the following the videos about aging.

Quiz Next Time: Olivia

Looking Ahead…

It’s hard to believe, but we are nearing the end of the semester! Next time in class (April 11th), you will be given an assignment that you will need someone over the age of 60 to complete. The assignment will be due April 18th.

We will also be going on a field trip April 18th.

Enjoy your spring break! See you in two weeks.

Heather Nelson

Week 10 Winter: March 21, 2024

Please do the following homework for class next week, March 28th.

Couple Interview

Using the interview questions given to you in class, interview a couple who has been married 30+ years. Write a paper summarizing the interview, including your thoughts about what they said. Your paper should be at least one page, double spaced, 12 point font.

Watch Video

Watch this video and write down five takeaways (things you found interesting). Bring these to class next week.

Watch Video

Next week a special guest speaker will be coming to talk about her experience caring for a loved one with dementia. Please watch this video in preparation and think about any questions you might like to ask her.

Quiz Next Week: Sonora

Looking Ahead…

In three weeks we will be discussing the book Tuesdays with Morrie. It is a fantastic book! In class today, I said that we would be discussing it in two weeks, but I forgot about spring break the first week of April!

Heather Nelson

Week 9 Winter: March 14, 2024

Please do the following to prepare for class next week, March 21st.

Ritual/tradition list

Make a list of rituals/traditions that you would (possibly) like to implement with your future family. These could be based on rituals/traditions from your own family of origin or what others said in class.

Read Article

Please read this article about John Gottman’s marriage research and the “four horsemen.”


Watch Video

Then watch this video which explains how to combat the “four horsemen.”

Watch Fireproof

Watch the movie Fireproof (2008) starring Kirk Cameron. You can rent it on Amazon. It is a Christian film that gives insight into marriage. As you watch, please answer the following questions and come prepared to discuss them in class.

  1. What principles did this film teach about marriage? (How to make it work, etc.)
  2. What did it teach about love?
  3. What did it teach about forgiveness?
  4. Any other thoughts, takeaways from the film?

Quiz Next Week: Eve

Looking Ahead…

Remember that you need a couple who has been married 30+ years to interview for homework assigned next week (March 21st). You will turn in the interview March 28th.

Heather Nelson

Week 8 Winter: March 7, 2024

Please do the following to prepare for class next week, March 14th.

Read Article

Before watching the film listed below, read this article that explains more about Erikson’s Generativity vs. Despair.


Watch It’s Wonderful Life

Please watch the film It’s a Wonderful Life (1947), starring Jimmy Stewart, and answer the following discussion questions given to you in class. (You can rent the film on Amazon or check the library.)

  1. What examples of identity vs. role confusion did you see in the film?
  1. What examples of intimacy vs. isolation did you see in the film?
  1. What examples of generativity vs stagnation did you see in the film? (In George? Uncle Billy? Mary? Mr. Potter?)
  1. How do George Bailey’s aspirations and dreams evolve throughout the film? How do these reflect generativity vs. potential stagnation?
  1. Discuss the impact of the Building and Loan on the community. How does George’s commitment to this institution reflect generativity vs stagnation?
  1. What role does resilience play in George’s life?

Read Article

Please read this article about Jimmy Stewart from the Deseret News. It will tell you more about him as person and what he was experiencing in middle adulthood (in real life) when he made the films It’s a Wonderful Life and, later, Mr. Kruger’s Christmas.


Quiz Next Week: Hannah

Looking Ahead…

For homework to be assigned March 21st, you will need a couple who has been married longer than 30 years to interview.

Heather Nelson

Week 7 Winter: February 29, 2024

Parenting Book Presentations

Next week, March 7, we will do parenting book presentations. I am super excited to hear about your books! Here are some guidelines:

First, and foremost, become an expert on your book! You get to share your knowledge with the class.

Prepare a handout to be given to the class with the title of the book, author, targeted age (e.g., 2 year olds or kids of all ages), overview/main points of the book, and anything else you think we need to know to fully understand the book (e.g., diagram). Please bring 11 copies of your handout.

Presentation should be 5-6 minutes and should highlight the main points/philosophies of the book.

Your presentation should include examples from the book that show us what the parenting strategies look like in real life.

If you have any questions, you can email Sister Nelson westbergheather@yahoo.com